Friday, February 4, 2011

Classic Ambrielisms

In order to prove to my husband that the title of my blog is, in fact, justified, here are some of my favorite classic Ambrielisms. Some of them have been on facebook, but some of them are brand new :)

On theology (and Kenneth Burke):
"God made the world to be a happy place, but then some bad guys, who NEVER say PLEASE, showed up."

"God's words can do anything, but Burke's can't! He's just a man (sneeringly)."

On illness:
"It's all my sickness's fault! I wish I could punch my sickness in the face!"

On bad behavior:
"I always do bad things, and when I do, I'm no better than an icky box of honey!"

"I don't like myself when I do bad things. I'm not good enough to be Ambriel Joy anymore. Just call me Icky Coconut."

(PS I always combat such statements with professions of love and reminders of her far more frequent good behavior. I don't want any of you thinking I'm actively working to destroy my child's self image.)

On naming invisible twins:
"Her name is Elizabeth" [Me: What about her sister?] "She's named after her sister. Well, they're named after each other. That way, no one has to worry about keeping straight which one is which."

On happiness:
"I'm as happy as a bee!"

"I feel so joyful and not cooped up!" (said while spinning in circles in the swimming pool.)

I'll report more later :)

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