Monday, February 21, 2011

Ambriel on Love and Marriage

Many of you are already aware of Ambriel's recent preoccupation with her matrimonial future. It began, I believe, when I asked her who she would like to be the father of the many children she is continually planning to have. Her initial response, after some thought, was that she wants him to not have a wife.

Me: "Don't you think you'll be his wife?"

Ambriel: "Yeah, maybe. I just don't want him to have somebody else who is his wife."

I thought that was at least a good place to start as far as qualifications for a mate go, but she later seemed to abandon this particular criterion as she announced that she was going to marry Daddy when she grows up. Daddy seemed fine with this plan, but I did not approve. I realize I may just be a little overly sensitive on this topic, having already lost one husband to a younger woman, but I was adamant that I would not approve of being supplanted by my daughter. Ambriel tried to appease me by assuring that I would be allowed to continue living in the house with her and Daddy, as long as I traded rooms with her, but I would not negotiate.

Finally, she decided it wasn't worth upsetting me, so she started thinking about who else to marry. She considered the boys that she knows, rejecting some because she deemed them too lazy, too immature, or too argumentative (again, excellent criteria) and finally honed in on one boy: Ian.

Ambriel: "Ian is so manageable. He always plays whatever I want to play. And he's so little and cute! You should pat him on his head next time you see him."

Ian is only about 7 months younger than Ambriel, but he is rather diminutive in size, which has given her some pause for thought. I'm told she commented to one of my friends on the subject.

Ambriel: "I'm going to marry him someday, but he's smaller than me so I might die before he ever gets bigger than me. He's a small four; I'm a big four."

I can understand her concern, but I think she's wise to focus on compatibility of personality rather than physical traits. I'm also pretty sure it's serious because she told me she's planning to introduce Ian to Bean at her upcoming 5th birthday party. If he can still love her after that, I think they're in good shape.

Oh, and if you're wondering whether or not Ian knows he is the lucky man, Ambriel will be happy to discuss it with you.

Ambriel: "Oh, yes. He knows because I told him. We've already practiced our wedding."

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