Sunday, January 30, 2011

Disturbingly chipper

Ambriel began her day today around 7am when she crawled into my bed and promptly went back to sleep. Having suffered insomnia last night, I welcomed the chance to sleep in, but started feeling disturbed when 11:05 rolled around and she was still sound asleep. She was smiling as if having wonderful dreams, when suddenly her eyes popped open, she grinned, and threw her arms around my neck. I was immediately suspicious, as I don't believe any amount of sleeping in justifies such bouncy behavior so soon after waking up, especially when she is supposed to be sick right now. 

My distrust had the desired effect of dampening her spirits temporarily, but she was soon dancing behind me in the kitchen, as I made breakfast and the all important coffee, singing "Questions are for answering, Momma. Questions need answers!" 

Well I have a question: how was such a perky child made from my genetic material? 

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